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DCs Ghost
JoinedPosts by DCs Ghost
LOOK IT'S SATAN!! He's gonna get you!!!!
by Brutus inhehe.
809 area code scam
by VeniceIT in> which tell you to call an "809" phone number.
since there are so many new area.
> message.
DCs Ghost
thanks for the heads up
dc -
Planes just a diversion... Ambulances had bombs.
by biblexaminer ini feel pretty sure about this, that the planes were just a diversion set to allow emergency vehicles easy access to the basement parking lot.
eye witnesses placed a large explosion just before the south building came down.
one thing is sure, the buildings did not come down as a result of the planes hitting them or any explosions due to that.
DCs Ghost
i know an insider that worked on the construction of the towers,
and this is what i learned:
they were built to withstand the impact of a 707 crashing into them,
the support was in the center with i-beams going across every so many inches, i am not an engineer but from the way it was explained -- take out the center and the building drops,
every floor supported the one above, when the weight came down because of the heat generated from the explosions of the 757's full tank the combination of heat and the steel warming up "softened" the support and it imploded on itself, all the weight from the 20 something floors collapsed on the floors beneath the explosion causing a domino effect,
one more thing most of the buildings in the city, including the towers are designed to fall into themselves as opposed to toppling over, bombs at the base may have done some damage but not enough to bring it down that is why the terrorist attempt did not succeed back in 93, back then they lined up the explosives on one side of the tower in hopes of collapsing one side and having it topple on to the next one, this time they got it right and went for the center. . .again bombs driven in by ambulances is a speculation and at that would not have succeeded in toppling the towers, though it may be a possibility that it could have happened that was not the cause of the fall. . .
by the way i saw it fall live, i was on my way to work when it happened i was walking down 6th ave heading to the village and the view was pretty clear from where i was, it was top down for anyone who thinks differently
alan and uncle you are right on. . .
dc -
other side of the coin
by spider inperhaps i will be attacked for this thread, i am not sure.i am as shocked as can be by the terrorist atrosity perpetrated today.i have watched all afternoon and evening and still can't quite take it in.. i have heard the people involved described as evil cowards in the west.i accept this statement and as i have aleady stated deplore the action but i feel that the media only shows one side of the coin.. the pilots that commited suicide were certainly not cowards.they believed in their cause enough to give their lives for it.these, along with the many that orchestrated this event put a lot of time, money and sacrifice in to this.. this is the part of the story i am unclear about.this is the part which is not being explained - at least not to my feeble understanding.. why do so many of the middle eastern countries hate the west as much as they do.sure iraq has good reason but what about the others.. there are two sides to every story and as much as i hate what has happened i wonder what theirs is.why do they dance on the streets now?
america has bombed serbia to get rid of milosivich.they must have hated america then but this was out of a lack of information.. i do not believe evil exists - evil acts but not evil as an is all too easy when asked why atrosity is performed to simply answer - the person was evil.there has got to be more to it than that.
what brought about these murderous acts.was it the kind of mind control that was perpetrated on us as witnesses.after all, the witnesses would take delight in the coming armageddon when billons of people will die.. is this evidence of a similar condition?.
DCs Ghost
it is there interpretation of the koran which leads them to act the way they do. . .
which leads them to fanaticismdc
Explosion in Dayton, Ohio
by larc intwenty minutes ago, there were two large explosions in dayton, ohio.
they were strong enough to vibrate my house.
the local news reported that a plane struck the veterans administration building about 5 miles from my house.
DCs Ghost
all airtraffic is to be shot on sight if it is flying over the states
only thing allowed in the air above us now until 11 am tomorrow are U.S. Millitary Aircraft
Upsetting dream---interpretations?
by Kat_ inokay, so i woke up this morning with a nervous lump in my stomach and feeling quite like a little lost child.
my dreams hardly ever affect me.
i am remember naeb's dream about a jade monkey and a dog and thinking--okay, maybe my dream can be interpreted as well?
DCs Ghost
hiya Kat
bridgette pretty much hit it on the head, it is just post anxiety, your subconscious is dealing with the changes,and to answer your question yes, i have had dreams of the sort where armageddon is coming/happening or dreams dealing around events dealing up to the big A,
i also have had dreams or should i say nightmares, that i am attending the hall again, scary i tell you. . .dc
satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .
by DCs Ghost incontrary to popular belief and what society and the media will portray satanism, devil worship and witchcraft are 3 very independent systems of belief, .
sure, to those who are afraid of looking into books dealing with the occult, for fear of being possessed or what have you, i write this as a vent because it makes me laugh when i hear people assume that the three are the same, they aren't, .
and the reality is that even though the three get bunched up as the same, many times it is the ignorance of the practitioners which keeps the ignorance alive.
DCs Ghost
afternoon Satan:
thanks for posting the book title i will check it out,
on psychic abilities, i read a book a while back titled You Are Psychic based on a study done at MIT, perty interesting reading i say, it is more common than most think and it isn't all about premonitions, they have it broken down into 4 different senses, i can't seem to find the book at the moment, but i know it is somewhere in my apt., once i find it i 'll post the author and publisher. . .Bridgette:
i hope so too, i think our lessons our exactly that, our own, and that is part of the evolution we endure, once we figure it out we move on to the next lesson and the next stage of the game. . .Peacepipe:
left you for last cuz i don't know how long exactly i am about to ramble for, i'll try to keep it short and interesting,
I can't say there is one thing that led me to my conclusions, there are several things that didn't sit right with me to begin with, and call it doubt if you will, but chances are that was what started my questioning, and when i put these together it just seemed to make sense to me,
***(personal comments and views in side these)***for one, the bible states that god is not partial,
follow this train of thought and it would mean that god either accepts us all as we are or s/he doesn't accept us all as we are, it doesn't state conditions, there is no in between and there is no clause, if there were it would make him partial,
(i'll call god he from here on cuz its the bible we are talking about and not my personal view)
but flip through the book and it seems that he has a chosen group, the israelites, so that leads me to think which is it, for it seems like a contradiction,
by choosing the israelites he is showing favoritism among the humans, major no no to the stated clause above,
if the israelites weren't chosen then those faiths that believe and teach that they were are totally off. . .if he accepts us as we are, then fundamental christianity has it right on, accept him and we are saved, seems simple enough, the statement above is true and causes a shadow on the dubs,
if he doesn't accept us as we are, then we are doomed to begin with and there really is nothing we can do to save our skin, and the statement above is still true, he dislikes us all equally, (not partial)
(among my first questions way back when)going further, if all we have to do is accept, which path do we choose?
if you argue that jesus said that no one gets to god unless they go through him,
this raises issues (ie. free will for one, and for simplicity my original question is he partial or not)
does he show favor to those who choose jesus? or does he ignore those that reject jesus?
(personally i see a contradiction happening)
so which path do we chose?
(IMO it doesn't matter if he is not partial)
by accepting jesus, then you have to agree that the bible speaks truth,
(most christians believe the bible)
but here in lies a dilema, this makes god partial, and all of fundamental christianity is off,
(so as it stands the jews are off and so are the christians, JWs included)
because now it is not as simple as accepting jesus, now there are conditions which cause a contradiction,by choosing any other path aside from christianity, or any path that doesn't use the bible as its main refence it gives the statement mentioned before more weight, because it gives all beliefs an equal status in the eyes of god,
thus causing the bible to be no more holier than the writings of Lao Tzu or any other so called holy book for that matter, the books were and are used as a basis to create the regulations of religion and not spirituality,so by steering away from the dogma of religion and focusing on spirituality and the messages written this led me to realize that the bible had no more truth in it than the koran or any other holy books for that matter, in my eyes the perform a function for those who need it at the time they read it, thus i have not said that the bible is false, simply that it isn't all that western religions make it out to be. . .
ok i rambled enough for now, i hope it helps,
if you want to continue this please do so, i could go ondc
satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .
by DCs Ghost incontrary to popular belief and what society and the media will portray satanism, devil worship and witchcraft are 3 very independent systems of belief, .
sure, to those who are afraid of looking into books dealing with the occult, for fear of being possessed or what have you, i write this as a vent because it makes me laugh when i hear people assume that the three are the same, they aren't, .
and the reality is that even though the three get bunched up as the same, many times it is the ignorance of the practitioners which keeps the ignorance alive.
DCs Ghost
hi Bridgette,
thnks for the kind words,
your last comment touches upon why i use Anais Nin's quote. . .
we see the world the way we are programmed to,my nature is to question why, which eventually led me out of the borg, it is said that everything happens for a reason, i think the borg experience opened my mind and caused me to go back and research why i believed what i did,
when i finally realized that the bible had no more truth in it than the koran or any other holy books for that matter, it was an eye opener and confirmed my views that the borg was way off,
it gave me a fresh perspective on life, from there i continued exploring and realizing that i was seeking out my own spiritual nature without a feeling of impending doom,
i was being true to my self and i no longer had the weight of guilt to tell me i was doing something wrong,
i ended up in the one place that always intrigued me,
the irony is too sweet, i ended up at the root of why i believe what i do, by questioning the ones who taught me to avoid the place i am at now, the very same place that was taught to be so "evil" in reality has helped me get in tune with myself and the creative force that surrounds us all, i got here by trashing the hard drive and reinstalling what i feel to be truth and real from my perspective and personal experience,Satan
life does get better indeed, there is such a feeling of empowerment in knowing that you are in control of your life and that you are doing the things that you feel you should be doing, and not wasting your life on a pointless mission led by another's agenda,
i can relate to the feelings of depression, (i'm kinda upset myself that i missed the 60's), but seriously it took me a while to realize i was depressed, i guess it was denial, i didn't want to confront that side of my nature for i thought it would make me weak, in reality avoiding it was making me weaker, but a good therapist and meds go a long way, keeps your happy happy, if you know what i mean. . . .
im interested in the energy manipulation that you speak of, any begginers book that you recommend other than the one you mentioned earlier?Claudia,
ever watch south park? the episode where kyle helps restore democracy in cuba and later reports his parents for molesting him so he could go see the raging pussies, on cartman's suggestion. . .
anyhows point is the kids referred to the parents as birthgivers and nothing more, seems to be the perspective i have taken on her. . . .peace all
dc -
How Easy Was It To Leave?
by ballistic inwhen i was df, i actually wanted to return which isn't suprising when you look at their brain washing: *
i think it took me a couple of years to fully get over it and now the scripture "like a dog returning to it's vomit" comes to mind.. i gather some people here came to their senses while still in the org.
did anyone actually find it easy to leave?.
DCs Ghost
i think the hardest thing for me to do was to build up the courage to walk away, i knew i didn't want to be a dub because i didn't agree with some of the beliefs, but at the same time i didn't want to stop hanging out with a few of dubs who were good friends, or so i thought i the time. . . .but once i walked out i never looked back. . .
Satan & Miracles
by Satanus inaccording to the wt, satan has been doing the majority of the work for the last 1960 years or so.
while jehover had been resting since the exertions of giving birth to creation, he manage to finish his book.
since god completed his last book, he has gone into virtual hibernation.
DCs Ghost
on miracles. . .
can't forget the tall "men" who protect the sisters when they go door to door. . . . .satan is the best friend the church has ever had, for he has kept them in business for all these years. . . . .